In the Run\Debug Configurations window, set the Name of the configuration as docker tomcat and in Settings set the port to ‘8000’ as the default Tomcat JPDA debuging port. To configure remote debugging in IntelliJ, click on Run > Edit Configuration. Remote debugging was enabled when the tomcat image (registration-webserver) was built. Tomcat supports remote debugging the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA).
Intellij javafx registration#
Fill out the registration form and click Submit In the application, click on Signup to create a new user. To go to the application, Click on /UserSignup link. You can use the Manager page to Start, Stop, Reload or Undeploy web applications.
When prompted for username and password, enter system and manager respectively to log into the Tomcat Web Application Manager page. Click on the Manager App button to see the deployed applications. When the Tomcat image was built, the user roles were also configured. ‘localhost:8080’ you should see the Tomcat home page app/target/UserSignup) as a data volume on the host system to the Tomcat webapps directory in the web server container. It will also mount the application directory (. Start the application with docker-compose > docker-compose upĭocker will build the images for Apache Tomcat and MySQL then start the containers. Open a terminal and go to the application directory. When the application builds, you will see a success message in the log window.
Intellij javafx install#
Right click on clean and select Create 'UserSignup '.Ĭlick OK in the Create Run/Debug Configuration window.Ĭonfigure the install goal similarly. To set the clean goal, click on Lifecycle to display the tree of goals. Maven goals of clean and install need to be set to build the application. The Maven Projects window will open on the right side. To build the application click on icon on the bottom left of the IntelliJ window and select Maven Projects. The application is a basic Spring MVC application that receives user input from a form, writes the data to a database, and queries the database. Select the JDK(set the JDK home path) and click NextĬlick on Project View to open the project. Click NextĬheck Search for projects recursively. On the command line clone the docker/labs repositoryĬlick on Import project from external model, select Maven. If this the first time to use IntelliJ with Github, log into your Github account. Click on Check out from Version Control > Github Note: This tutorial requires you to run your app locally on your own computer Pre-requisites